Refund & Return Policy

To protect the health and safety of our valued customers, we DO NOT accept returns after your order has been shipped.


You have 24 hours after you place your order (Monday-Thursday.) to request a refund. Once those 24 hours are up we will not grant you a refund. We ship every Friday. If an order is placed on Friday, you have until exactly 3 p.m to request a refund. If you do not request a refund BEFORE 3 p.m your request will be denied.


If a mistake has been made with your order, you may contact us for the missing item(s) or request a refund. When doing so, you MUST provide proof. Without proof of the error, your request will be denied. We double check all orders before sealing them up and shipping them off to you. Due to this, it is unlikely that you're missing an item. For this reason we will not move forward with your request without proof.


WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE! If you are rude/disrespectful to our Customer Support Team, we will flag your account as a “DO NOT ACCEPT” customer and will no longer accept future orders from you.